Saturday, December 20, 2014

Pennsylvania (updated 11/15/18)

Camp Crane

Carlisle Barracks | General Hospital No. 31
(added 11/03/18) 
Camp Colt

The Civil War isn't the only time that Gettysburg saw action. From doing research on it, the Army took over a good portion of the memorial site and used it for Armor or tank training. Camp Colt was the only base during WWI to offer such training. I shudder to think that tanks doing training could have ran roughshod over areas where more Americans died than any other war in history. 

I have visited Gettysburg and it is quite the experience. The place is huge and has memorials galore. Gettysburg cannot be appreciated in an hour or so, with the intention of quickly hitting the road. I would recommend making it an all day experience. At the time I visited, I did not see any mentions of Camp Colt or WWI activity. The National Park site focuses on the Civil War battle itself. If there is one and only one Civil War battlefield, one must make a pilgrimage to, it would definitely be Gettysburg.

General Hospital No. 17
(added 11/03/18) 

Middletown Aviation General Supply Depot

New Cumberland: 
New Cumberland Interior Storage Depot


Chandler Field

Frankfort Arsenal
Circa 1894
General Hospital No. 22
(added 11/03/18)

League Island Naval Station
Circa 1894
League Island, which would be later known as Philadelphia Naval Shipyard and Naval Station, not only saw action in WWI, but would see huge growth over time. Many ships have been built here. But not one was commissioned during WWI.  The naval station was on the 1991 closure list, and the shipyard was on the 1993 closure list.  Today there is still shipbuilding activity.

In summer of 2000, I attempted to visit the base. But I picked the very worst time possible to visit Philly. There was a combination of the Republican National Convention, protestors, and a heavy police presence that made the base inaccessible.  

Protesters had marched from downtown Philly along Broad Street all the way to where the taxpayer subsidized sports stadiums are. Beyond that point, the police had the street blockaded.  Then Republican nominee George W. Bush was staying at the base.  If only I had been there a few days earlier, or later I could have taken some pictures of the vase. 

Philadelphia Expeditionary Depot

Philadelphia Interior Storage Depot

Philadelphia Quartermaster Terminal 

General Hospital No. 24
(added 11/03/18)
Pittsburgh Interior Storage Depot

Camp Summerall

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