Sunday, December 21, 2014

Alabama (updated 11/10/18)


Camp McClellan  (Updated 11/10/18)
Only 3 structures from the WWI era have survived.
WWI use of Camp McClellan

Camp McClellan was one of 16 National Guard camps. It was one of the few NG camps that was retained after WWI. It was comprised of about 18,000 acres. In 1929, it was renamed Fort McClellan, and was an active base until it was closed in the late 1990s. Today, the Alabama National Guard has an enclave within the former fort. The movie "Bruno" was filmed there. 
Mobile Harbor Defenses:
Fort Gaines

Fort Morgan


Montgomery Engine and Repair Depot (Aviation Repair Depot No. 3)
Montgomery circa 1927.

Today this is Maxwell Air Force Base, which is still active.

Camp Sheridan
(Updated 11/10/18)
Camp Sheridan was one of 16 National Guard camps. It saw no reuse during WWII.
F. Scott Fitzgerald, author of the "Great Gatsby" trained here. Today there are some historical markers at the site.

Taylor Field
(Updated 11/10/18)

Taylor Field closed after the war. But during WWII, it was revived for use as an auxiliary field, for what is now Gunter Air Force Base. Today this field is abandoned and is used for agriculture.  It had 3 auxiliary fields. Where they were located exactly is unknown at this point.

Muscle Shoals:
U.S. Nitrate Plant No. 2 

U.S. Nitrate Plant No. 1

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